Dancing Like the Stars!
On Tuesday last week we performed our dance at the Issac Theatre it was amazing! I have a video and some pictures to show you! It was fun Practising it sandy was amazing for coming up with the dance! Jazz is amazing!
I am a Year 7 student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Dancing Like the Stars!
On Tuesday last week we performed our dance at the Issac Theatre it was amazing! I have a video and some pictures to show you! It was fun Practising it sandy was amazing for coming up with the dance! Jazz is amazing!
My Shadow
Connection : My connection with the poem is when i was at my cousins house we were doing a photo shoot with my cousins and we took pictures of our shadow.
The Poem has: 4 Stanzas and 4 Lines!
What was the tone of the poem: Happy Friendly Tone!
Poetic devices: Personifaction, Rhyme, Alitteration.
What is the meaning of this poem? I think its saying that your poem is your friend!
Google Summit 2020!
In Literacy Today we did a google summit, Where all the schools in Ura manuka Learn Tool Kits from Google to help with work Such as Canva, Remove.bg and more fun tools! Some people from other schools present things and we join them and they teach us how to use the tool. It's pretty awesome. if you have the chance to join the Google summit you should cause its pretty cool! Blog yah later!