
Thursday, 15 April 2021

Music through the decade

In counting the beat we done music through the decades. here a slide i made with Arnicka, Teagen, And Cayleigh. 

Famous Singers

 In Counting the beat we have been doing famous singers so here are some facts i know about her.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Remember those Hero's ~ Our Hero's.

In Class ive been learning local Heros. I have made a poster ill show you.


Monday, 12 April 2021

Treaty of Waitangi

 This is a impact between the british and maori :)

Friday, 9 April 2021

Politicion desition making

         In class we are learning about politics and we learned that we normally have general elections every 3 years. This is how we do our election in new Zealand. we vote for a party then we vote for our  the person we want to talk too when we have a problem with the law we can go to to them. if you want to make a new law u gotta make a draft and send it to them. then they check the spelling and pass it to another group to check it and read it again and then they give it to our minister to see if it should be a lour or not. The way we made the rules with our treaty is kind of the same how people make the laws.  We read it over again and made changes to the treaty and then we get all of us to sign so we listen and do what is on the treaty.